Once a month or so ago I was watching the powerball drawing for the Illinois lottery and the last four digits of my student ID won the lottery. Of course, I didn%26#039;t have a ticket because I never dreamt that would happen. I was just curious to know if that could ever happen again. Seeing my luck it probably won%26#039;t. And I put this under personal finance because I didn%26#039;t know what else to put it under. This made sense to me because I have to personally watch my finances whether I buy tickets or not (which I never do and that%26#039;s part of the reason why I didn%26#039;t win. The other part of the reason is that I live in Wisconsin and don%26#039;t feel like driving to Illinois to buy a lottery ticket).
Does anyone know the probability of the last four digits of my student ID winning the lottery more than once?
i think you should just try it..
why dont u tell us the number as well :D
Does anyone know the probability of the last four digits of my student ID winning the lottery more than once?
uh seeing as numbers are 0-9 which would be ten for each number, probabilty is 9,999. also the year you were born, time you registered for school, and your name, all determine what your student i.d. would be so the probabilty depends on when your parents had intercourse to create you, your name, and the time of conceivement. So your answer is Dubious.
Does anyone know the probability of the last four digits of my student ID winning the lottery more than once?
your question is confusing: Powerball drawing consists of 4 balls and a power ball, each with number of 0 to 52(?) - whatever. So potentially there are 10 digits of a drawing number. Are you asking what is the probability that the four digits in your ID show up in the 10-digits?
Let%26#039;s assume that is the question. Then you need to figure out all the possible powerball drawing constellation numbers in terms of digits, and the numbers of constellation which contains the specific 4-digits. The ratio of those two numbers is the probability.
I won%26#039;t calculate the probability for you - will consume too much time. You could go to take some probability class and finish this as an exercise - or pay me $100 if the exact number is exmtrely important for you ;-)
Does anyone know the probability of the last four digits of my student ID winning the lottery more than once?
If the digits go from 0-9, then it%26#039;s 10 to the fourth power = 10,000 combinations. Think of it as 0000 being the lowest lottery draw and 9999 being the highest.
Whether a number has hit before or not DOES NOT MATTER. It doesn%26#039;t change the odds of the next SINGLE drawing one bit. You%26#039;d still have a 1 in 10000 chance. A lot of people mess this up. Because you saw a coincidence between a number that means something to you and the lotto means nothing. Don%26#039;t let that sway you. The lotto is almost always a bad bet. The only time it%26#039;s not is the super bigggg jackpots that rarely happen...even those usually don%26#039;t pay for themselves after taxes.
MORE: The 1 in 10000 is IF the balls are drawn from separate jars. If they%26#039;re drawn from the same jar, then you can%26#039;t draw the same number twice. For example, there wouldn%26#039;t be more than one 9 in there, so 9999 wouldn%26#039;t be possible. In the case of just one jar of balls, it%26#039;s 10*9*8*7 = 5040.
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