Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bad situation! Please help?

I am looking to go to university this year and have already applied to my six choices. I am interested in a particular university outside london however that would mean living away from home. I am taking out student loans for tuition fees, living costs, books, travel. I am really confused on what to do, this is why. I live at home with my mum and brother and we always seem to be short of money. Iam at college and work part time and all my earnings go on bills at home. However living out would mean that I couldn%26#039;t financially help at home. Although I really want to go to this uni out of london, I almost feel selfish to pick that option. My mum doesn%26#039;t want me to live out and has asked me if I can %26#039;help out%26#039; with more costs at home when I get my student finance. The uni n london is also ranked considerably lower in league tables and the location isn%26#039;t very nice. What should I do? Should it be this way?

Bad situation! Please help?

you can%26#039;t give your mom your financial assistance money for school. It%26#039;s not the purpose it was intended for and you could get in trouble. Education is very important. You need to do what is best for yourself so that you want be in the same situation your mom is later. Your mom may need a second job, to re-adjust your household budget so that you are spending within means,etc. It is not really fair of your mom to put her financial burdens on you and to make you feel guilty. If you want to help your mom out you will be in better position after you have finished your university studies and have a good job.

Bad situation! Please help?

Seriously, it is selfish for you mom to be putting that kind of pressure on you. Do what is best for you, it%26#039;s your life, they%26#039;ll survive. Has she ever heard of food stamps??? F*CK.

Bad situation! Please help?

This is your life. And it%26#039;s time for you. University is a once in a lifetime experience - and you will only get 20% of the value of the experience if you live at home.

We live in a reasonable society, and there are sufficient benefits available to ensure people don%26#039;t starve. You%26#039;re mum and brother will have to economise.


Bad situation! Please help?

Poor you - i really dont know. I would feel obliged and i take care of mum financially most of the time too. But i seriously would love ya too go and get some freedom. But its hard to choose. Hope you make the right choice. Whatever you do make sure you make time to have fun even if your mum has to go short. Its your life too, And your only young once. No one would hold it against you if you went so dont blame yourself if you really want to go. Guilt sucks and its played on too often..You shouldn%26#039;t feel guilty for wanting to get some good education. Goooo!!!!

Bad situation! Please help?

Do whats right for you it is your life and you are not there to pay for your family. Good luck.`

Bad situation! Please help?

You love your Mum, that is clear. However, you are at the age where you need to begin to make your own life. Would it be possible to get a part time job while at Uni? If so, you could send a bit home to help your sense of responsibility. However, you have to face that you are not a %26#039;child%26#039; any longer and you need to make your own way. It is time to live for yourself. You can always help out more once you graduate, if it is actually necessary and not just your Mum laying a guilt trip on you. Any chance she%26#039;s just not ready to cut the apron strings yet? This is a tough thing to answer in this type of forum, so best advice your own life, do what you can, but it is your life after all. Good luck with it all!

Bad situation! Please help?

i really think you shud help ur family....dont be selfish

Bad situation! Please help?

It seems to make sense to stay put with your mum and bro.The university by london is in a bad location, and ranked lower, so consider the quality of education and the cost for you to go to london.

Bad situation! Please help?

You should do what you feel is right. You shouldn%26#039;t feel guilty whatever you choose, But choose for you and not your family.

Bad situation! Please help?

Don楹搕 use the loan to pay for halls and residency on campus it楹搒 fun at first but gets annoying later on. Live off campus it is cheaper not only that but you have to live off campus in your second year anyway so by doing this you楹搇l have a head start. Budget your loan and work out how much money you have spare you are also entitle to a bank loan. Then you can work out how much money you can send home then you can see if it楹搒 worth it or not. Remember about the debt you will be in when you leave but you start paying it back when you earn a cirtain amount of money. Honey you only live once i say go for it and don楹搕 ever look back!

Bad situation! Please help?

If you want to go then go i cannot believe your mum is asking you to help out with your loans that is so selfish she should be helping you get a future for yourself. Just go and live your life and tell your mum you cannot afford to do it. Sorry i sound so abrupt but i am a mum and would never do this i always encourage my children to have a better life no matter if they were going to the other side of the world i would never ask them for money its not done not in my eyes anyway. Please just go and be happy for you. Your mum will manage believe me.

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