You want to go to college.(Finish actually, you have some college.
You had an injury so you%26#039;re on sickness pay to cover daily expenses, you owe way more on your car than it%26#039;s worth, and it doesn%26#039;t drive on the freeway due to the transmission, you have bad credit-someone signed student loan docs in your name several years ago which are in default and therefore you can%26#039;t get financial aid or student loans due to federal student loan default. The bank did offer to help with student loans, only they denied the loans due to the credit.
What in this situation would you do to be able to:
a.) Travel (have a car to go places such as school etc, possibly work)
b.) Go to college
c.) own a home, or some type of place.
d.) Oneday start a buisiness(restaurant)
e.) Work, w/out sickness pay stopping too abruptly
Just curious to hear everyone%26#039;s own opinion and what they would do in this %26quot;Real life chose your own adventure%26quot; that I have presented for you. I wonder where I got the idea for it? :(
From a personal finance standpoint, what would you do in this situation regarding school and work?
i would get a job @ the college. higher-learning generally has a reduced-cost tuition program for employees. if not a free tuition opportunity. thats what i did. BONUS* if you work in housing and dining, you might not ever pay for another meal.
From a personal finance standpoint, what would you do in this situation regarding school and work?
stay with your parents and stay in school for as long as possible.
From a personal finance standpoint, what would you do in this situation regarding school and work?
First of all you need to get those negative items off your credit report if they don%26#039;t belong to you. The banks have to prove that they belong to you in order to keep them on your credit report. If you need advice on how to do this, the forums on have some very helpful guides to follow, and lots of people who can give you good advice on getting results.
From there you should be able to go to college, which I think you should definitely do, no matter what else is going on in your life.
From a personal finance standpoint, what would you do in this situation regarding school and work?
first secure a place to live, then go to work and college for get about car for now, after college you might be able to buy many cars, be smart,
From a personal finance standpoint, what would you do in this situation regarding school and work?
Can I just lay around and watch TV?
What about spend the day searching for internet porn?
That%26#039;s what I call individual initiative.
From a personal finance standpoint, what would you do in this situation regarding school and work?
1. I閳ユ獡 not sure what you閳ユ獧e asking. It閳ユ獨 not really 閳ユ己hat should I do閳? It閳ユ獨 more a question for 閳ユ辅hat can I do?閳?br>
2. Why haven閳ユ獩 you done something about this loan history problem, assuming you were in fact defrauded, and didn閳ユ獩 閳ユ甫nwisely閳?participate in some scam? This apparent bad credit will follow you for years, and years - as you閳ユ獧e hopefully starting to realize.
I guess it wasn閳ユ獩 important when you were younger. My, those darn adults were *right* - should閳ユ獌 listened to the old farts.
3. Get your car fixed. You cannot afford a new one, and you certainly cannot afford taking on any debt. Even if you could get a car loan, the interest rate would be unconscionable, likely over 20%.
4. Forget travel. You can閳ユ獩 afford it, financially or spiritually. You need to fix things in your life, not be gawking at things and places that are distractions.
5. How can you own a home or 閳ユ笩ome type of place閳? You have no job, no credit and you閳ユ獧e on disability. Be realistic. Can you move HOME? You need to cut expenses and fix the checkered past. Financially, you are stuck in the snow, and your wheels are spinning. You absolutely MUST fix your credit.
I閳ユ獟l tell you, even if you are just a little *late* with any payments, this is recorded on your credit history .When you go to apply for a home loan 閳?even if you have GREAT credit 閳?you will have to provide a statement to the bank about why you were *late* 5, 7, or 10 years ago.
Brother 閳?listen up. This hassle will NOT disappear by itself, and the longer you wait to address it, the longer it will affect you.
6. Start a business? With what? Expect that you閳ユ獟l need a minimum of $25-50K to start, and even then about 75% of all new small businesses in the USA fail every year. Research www.SBA.GOV.
7. College? What are you studying? Is it something that will actually give you job training? You have not mentioned what your vocation is, but you do need to start having a goal, an occupation in mind. Truthfully, I wouldn閳ユ獩 recommend owning a restaurant as a goal. It閳ユ獨 been proven, time and time again, this consumes all your time, is very low profit, and basically becomes a life-style.
Nevertheless, you do need to consider the disability. Is this temporary or permanent? What occupation may fit into this scenario? Will this happen again? It may be less easy when you are 35, 45閳?
Will your disability income be affected by attending school? You need to research this carefully.
Conclusion: Be practical. Fix your car. You need to get educate to increase your employability, and you need to work on that credit rating.
One step at a time.
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